Mark Barnett Installed as LMA President for 2022-2024 Term
June 18, 2022
Overland Park, Kan. – Mark Barnett of Kentucky-Tennessee Livestock Market, Inc. in Guthrie, Ky., was installed president of the Livestock Marketing Association (LMA) at the 2022 LMA Annual Convention & WLAC, held June 8-11. Barnett will complete a two-year term leading the nation’s largest livestock marketing trade association that represents more than 800 local livestock auction markets and allied businesses.
Mark has lived in the Guthrie, Ky., area his entire life and owned the Kentucky-Tennessee Livestock Market for over 40 years. Through a strong relationship with the previous market owner, Mark invested in the business, spurring his involvement in the livestock marketing industry.
In addition to the livestock auction market, Mark and his wife, Betty, run a cow/calf and row crop operation. Together, they have three sons; Tom, Will and Matt, who are also involved in the family business. Tom’s wife, Stephanie, is the secretary for Kentucky-Tennessee Livestock Market.
As LMA president, Mark hopes to continue supporting the strong reputation of LMA and promote auction markets as an integral source of price discovery in the livestock industry. He says one of the biggest obstacles the livestock marketing industry faces is keeping young people interested and involved in the cattle industry.
“Our next generation, bringing them into our businesses, is one of the biggest tasks we have in front of us,” Barnett said. “That’s a goal that I have. I want to encourage that next generation and tell our story, and agriculture has a good story to tell.”
In addition to his involvement with LMA, Mark is the Director of Legends Bank, a Commissioner of Woodlawn Utility District and a deacon at the Second Mile Baptist Church.
About the Livestock Marketing Association
The Livestock Marketing Association (LMA), headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., is North America’s leading, national trade association dedicated to serving its members in the open and competitive auction method of marketing livestock. Founded in 1947, LMA has more than 800 member businesses across the U.S. and Canada and remains invested in both the livestock and livestock marketing industries through member support, education programs, policy representation and communication efforts.